My reason for disliking this is more pragmatism. One of my most vehement arguments against religion is that it is shoved in my face no matter what, in the form of music on the radio [and no, I can't turn it off, my work has the radio set to the country station, nuff said] and churches and giant icons of symbology at the side of the road so that I can't escape having to have it forced on me no matter where I turn. My argument has been that atheists don't do this kind of thing and that that's why religious people whining about atheists being dicks is so utterly infuriating and condescending.
If I'm really about to start seeing atheist churches, wherein atheism becomes a religion, this will also completely nullify my argument, and the argument of so many other atheists, that atheism is not a religion.
I am not mad. Not yet. Nor am I particularly ready to start wailing in defeat and surrendering my arguments. Yet. But I am now worried about the snowball effect which may or may not come to be. But if it does, I'm going to find myself devoid of a particularly effective set of arguments in defense of atheists, which will not please me in the least.
If I'm really about to start seeing atheist churches, wherein atheism becomes a religion, this will also completely nullify my argument, and the argument of so many other atheists, that atheism is not a religion.
I am not mad. Not yet. Nor am I particularly ready to start wailing in defeat and surrendering my arguments. Yet. But I am now worried about the snowball effect which may or may not come to be. But if it does, I'm going to find myself devoid of a particularly effective set of arguments in defense of atheists, which will not please me in the least.