RE: Why don't Christians pay Muslims the same respect ?
February 6, 2013 at 3:44 pm
(This post was last modified: February 6, 2013 at 3:48 pm by WinterHold.)
Damn, long comment :/
To Drich
Sure thing. I'm not putting verses because I memorize a lot of verses (in Arabic), then I translate them & then trying to fetch the verse's location & translate that too into english, not as easy as it sounds. But sure ; I shall show that with the verse ; both in arabic & english.
First of all ; the equality of all humans including heathens :
...و لا يجرمنكم شنئان قوم أن صدوكم عن المسجد الحرام ان تعتدوا و تعاونوا على البر و التقوى و لا تعاونوا على الإثم و العدوان و اتقوا الله ان الله شديد العقاب
سورة المائدة، آية ٢
Translation :
"... Don't let the hatred of people who prevented you from the holy mosque carry you to aggression, help each other -you & those people aka heathens- on righteous deeds, but don't help each other on sin & aggression, fend god, god's punishment is severe"
Sura 5 , verse 2
So, I think it's clear why my good relationship with you -and atheists- in forums like this are not contradicting my believe : )
When the chance presents itself to do something good, a muslim should corporate, despite the religion of the opposing side.
If being a friend with an atheist means mutual respect + elimination of hatred, then this is exactly the right deed ; and as a Muslim I should answer.
meh, if people just read those verses for real
Anyways, so right now we know that we as muslims don't give a damn about what you believe in, because this verse also states it :
"قل يا أيها الكافرون ١ لا اعبد ما تعبدون ٢ و لا انتم عابدون ما اعبد ٣ و لا انا عابد ما عبدتم ٤ و لا انتم عابدون ما اعبد ٥ لكم دينكم و لي دين"
سورة الكافرون
Translation :
"say, Unbelievers (1) I don't worship what you worship (2) Neither do you worship what I worship (3) Nor do I worship what you worship (4) And you will not worship what I worship (5) you have your religion ; I have mine
Surah 109
So, by the word of god, you have the right on this earth to choose whatever religion you want. I think that the verse didn't contain "kill" or "slaughter" or "force them"...
Unlike Christianity, we have a whole sura from our book, giving the right for atheists, Christians, jews to chose what they want ; you have your religion ; I have mine.
So until here, we see that Islam is not dividing anybody ; eventually this verse stays :
So just in god's name tell me, please : how is islam dividing people, if its calling them to gather on good deeds ?
You know, if a Muslim leader slaughtered christian women & children, and called for Jihad, my religious constraints forces me to refuse that call to Jihad ?
So how are we dividing people, if we always stand in the side of the good deeds ?
Good deeds include union, peace, money to the poor... etc.
Please now I wanna ask you something.
Could you fetch to me a verse from the bible or from your popes, which says something like this ?
That if the infidels called for a good deed, muslims should obey ?
You know what, ignore christianity.
Give a 1 medieval leader who said that...
Now another verse final verse ; which proves totally what I said about christians being just humans like anyone else :
"ثم قفينا على آثارهم برسلنا و قفينا بعيسى ابن مريم و آتيناه الانجيل و جعلنا في قلوب الذين اتبعوه رأفة و رحمة ، و رهبانية ابتدعوها ما كتبناها عليهم الا ابتغاء رضوان الله فما رعوها حق رعايتها فآتينا الذين امنوا منهم أجرهم و كثير منهم فاسقون"
Translation :
"Then we sent our messengers on their trails, and we sent Isa (Jesus) son of mariam (marry), and gave him the Ingeel (gospel/bible/the original one, not what you're reading now), and we made in the hearts of those who followed him compassion & mercy (we literally believe that your ancestor were awesome,do you think the same about ours ?), and monasticism they invented, we didn't write it on them (i.e god didn't tell christians to become monks) they invented it only to please god, but they didn't care for it probably, so we gave those who believed amongst them their reward, and many of them are (rebellious against god's commands)
Sura 57 verse 27
So, we do look at you like humans. Some are good, some are bad, sometimes bad increase, sometimes good increase & so on.
It took me a lot of time to write this so I'm taking a break.
But before that ; Islam has 11 pillars belonging to different categories.
1-The pillars of Islam :
a)You believe & say that god is one & mohammad is a prophet
b)pray the 5 prayers
c)Give zaka (charity) to the poor on fixed durations through your life
d)fast the month of ramadan
e) Performing the pilgrimage to the holy mosque in mecca
2-The pillars of Iman (believe/faith) :
a)to believe in god
b)to believe in his angeles & that they're neither women nor men
c)to believe in the holy books (books not book,including the real bible, the real tulmud)
d)to believe in all the messengers of god
e) to believe in the day of judgment
f) to believe in FATE
So I didn't get what you mean by "infidel's pillar" ? but ask the most retarded & sinful muslim on earth, and he shall tell you that those are the main components of Islam
I didn't understand what you meant by the "6th pillar" is false
Dude Islam has (pillars of Islam) & (Pillars of Iman (faith) )
Where did you learn about Islam ? the church ???
To Drich
Quote:Book Chapter and verse please. (In your book, after all if your repersenting True Islam™ then you should be able to support your beliefs with book chapter and verse.
Because arrogance doesn't exist in christianity, we are most likely not to fight or hate.
Sure thing. I'm not putting verses because I memorize a lot of verses (in Arabic), then I translate them & then trying to fetch the verse's location & translate that too into english, not as easy as it sounds. But sure ; I shall show that with the verse ; both in arabic & english.
First of all ; the equality of all humans including heathens :
...و لا يجرمنكم شنئان قوم أن صدوكم عن المسجد الحرام ان تعتدوا و تعاونوا على البر و التقوى و لا تعاونوا على الإثم و العدوان و اتقوا الله ان الله شديد العقاب
سورة المائدة، آية ٢
Translation :
"... Don't let the hatred of people who prevented you from the holy mosque carry you to aggression, help each other -you & those people aka heathens- on righteous deeds, but don't help each other on sin & aggression, fend god, god's punishment is severe"
Sura 5 , verse 2
So, I think it's clear why my good relationship with you -and atheists- in forums like this are not contradicting my believe : )
When the chance presents itself to do something good, a muslim should corporate, despite the religion of the opposing side.
If being a friend with an atheist means mutual respect + elimination of hatred, then this is exactly the right deed ; and as a Muslim I should answer.
meh, if people just read those verses for real
Anyways, so right now we know that we as muslims don't give a damn about what you believe in, because this verse also states it :
"قل يا أيها الكافرون ١ لا اعبد ما تعبدون ٢ و لا انتم عابدون ما اعبد ٣ و لا انا عابد ما عبدتم ٤ و لا انتم عابدون ما اعبد ٥ لكم دينكم و لي دين"
سورة الكافرون
Translation :
"say, Unbelievers (1) I don't worship what you worship (2) Neither do you worship what I worship (3) Nor do I worship what you worship (4) And you will not worship what I worship (5) you have your religion ; I have mine
Surah 109
So, by the word of god, you have the right on this earth to choose whatever religion you want. I think that the verse didn't contain "kill" or "slaughter" or "force them"...
Unlike Christianity, we have a whole sura from our book, giving the right for atheists, Christians, jews to chose what they want ; you have your religion ; I have mine.
So until here, we see that Islam is not dividing anybody ; eventually this verse stays :
Quote:AtlasS wrote from the Quran earlier in this post :
Don't let the hatred of people who prevented you from the holy mosque carry you to aggression, help each other -you & those people aka heathens- on righteous deeds
So just in god's name tell me, please : how is islam dividing people, if its calling them to gather on good deeds ?
You know, if a Muslim leader slaughtered christian women & children, and called for Jihad, my religious constraints forces me to refuse that call to Jihad ?
So how are we dividing people, if we always stand in the side of the good deeds ?
Good deeds include union, peace, money to the poor... etc.
Please now I wanna ask you something.
Could you fetch to me a verse from the bible or from your popes, which says something like this ?
That if the infidels called for a good deed, muslims should obey ?
You know what, ignore christianity.
Give a 1 medieval leader who said that...
Now another verse final verse ; which proves totally what I said about christians being just humans like anyone else :
"ثم قفينا على آثارهم برسلنا و قفينا بعيسى ابن مريم و آتيناه الانجيل و جعلنا في قلوب الذين اتبعوه رأفة و رحمة ، و رهبانية ابتدعوها ما كتبناها عليهم الا ابتغاء رضوان الله فما رعوها حق رعايتها فآتينا الذين امنوا منهم أجرهم و كثير منهم فاسقون"
Translation :
"Then we sent our messengers on their trails, and we sent Isa (Jesus) son of mariam (marry), and gave him the Ingeel (gospel/bible/the original one, not what you're reading now), and we made in the hearts of those who followed him compassion & mercy (we literally believe that your ancestor were awesome,do you think the same about ours ?), and monasticism they invented, we didn't write it on them (i.e god didn't tell christians to become monks) they invented it only to please god, but they didn't care for it probably, so we gave those who believed amongst them their reward, and many of them are (rebellious against god's commands)
Sura 57 verse 27
So, we do look at you like humans. Some are good, some are bad, sometimes bad increase, sometimes good increase & so on.
It took me a lot of time to write this so I'm taking a break.
But before that ; Islam has 11 pillars belonging to different categories.
1-The pillars of Islam :
a)You believe & say that god is one & mohammad is a prophet
b)pray the 5 prayers
c)Give zaka (charity) to the poor on fixed durations through your life
d)fast the month of ramadan
e) Performing the pilgrimage to the holy mosque in mecca
2-The pillars of Iman (believe/faith) :
a)to believe in god
b)to believe in his angeles & that they're neither women nor men
c)to believe in the holy books (books not book,including the real bible, the real tulmud)
d)to believe in all the messengers of god
e) to believe in the day of judgment
f) to believe in FATE
So I didn't get what you mean by "infidel's pillar" ? but ask the most retarded & sinful muslim on earth, and he shall tell you that those are the main components of Islam
I didn't understand what you meant by the "6th pillar" is false
Dude Islam has (pillars of Islam) & (Pillars of Iman (faith) )
Where did you learn about Islam ? the church ???