rjh4 Wrote:Yes I believe in the whole Bible.That would mean that you also believe in all the miracles that happened. Why aren't there any evidence? By the way, you still need to convince us that there IS a god out there to start with...
Quote: Yes I have truly read the OT, a couple of times in whole. No you have not convinced me that there are many inconsistencies in the Bible. (I'm sure you are not surprised by this.)No I'm not. Seems to me like you've made up your mind and that you will have a perfect excuse for each inconsistancy that we would throw at you. You keep on coming back to the "God is too complex for us to understand why he did certain things" argument which indicates to me that you havn't read any of the websites I've given you. Inconsistancies in the Bible also refers to all the contradictions and forgeries. What excuses/apologetics have you got for those?
Quote: If God exists, created the universe, created man, and told us how we should behave, then God and what He told us is the standard for everything else.If we are unable, as humans, to understand how and why God did certain things, how would you ever know what his word is? How can your simple human brain comprehend what he stated in the Bible is actually what he meant? Taking into consideration that the Bible is not God's word after all. The Bible was written by primative men long after the death of Jesus so you're making a big mistake taking the Bible as the "word of God". I think it should be re-named to "the Word of men"...
Quote: So I think it is in an analogous sense that God and the Bible are not inconsistent or irrational when it tells of God doing certain things that he told us not to do or you think God should not have done.
So if you really think that the God is rational then I'm sure you won't mind following his laws and therefore start killing people (and lots of them) for 1: being gay, 2: believing in other gods, 3: women not obeying their men, 4: rebellious children etc. (the list is long...)
All of these things are "consistant" with what the Bible tells us so why do you not follow these laws dictated by your "consistant" God? You do believe it is his word after all don't you? Or have you also, like millions of other people,thought about these laws and saw them for what they are: "inconsistant"?
You are making the same mistake as millions of other people who's lived before you. The Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas, etc. These days we laugh at those civilisations for their beliefs and you are making the same mistake with your Christian God.
Spinoza Wrote:God is the Asylum of Ignorance