Pretty much. Man makes stuff up and is flawed. The Holy text is true and jesus existed and said these things. How do we know? Because God said so. And who reported that he said so, a man. And could the man have erred or lied? No, because God inspired him. But how do we know God inspired him. Because the man said so. But is the man flawed and prone to error? Yes. So how do you know what is true? It is what is in my heart? But is that not just you talking to you, and is flawed? No, because I have a love of God and his holy spirit fills me? How do you know? Because I feel it. Is that not flawed? No because God said so...
Round and round and round we go...
You have to wonder why Christians love atheist sites? My guess is, to be like Jesus - to suffer! (And to suffer others!)
Round and round and round we go...
You have to wonder why Christians love atheist sites? My guess is, to be like Jesus - to suffer! (And to suffer others!)
“I've done everything the Bible says — even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff!"— Ned Flanders