Quote:How dare you tell us what it is that we believe. Atheism is by definition the lack of belief in a god or gods, and you or anyone else assuming what we believe beyond that without consulting us as to our individual beliefs is disingenuous, and frankly I would personally say a premise for building a strawman fallacy.
Atheism is by defintion not or without God. Try looking it up. And you're right I do have a lot of nerve.
Quote:Alright then, smart guy, I'll make this simple for you: prove to me that the conditions that life has currently come to exist within are the only conditions within which life can form. Because that's the claim you're making. If you're so sure of your narrow band, then prove it. If all other possibilities are merely hypotheticals, then it should be easy for a super genius like you, right?
I can offer facts that support my contention...not that it will make any difference to you, you'll still whine moan and complain because thats what atheists are trained to do. In our own solar system it is fact that life doesn't exist on the moon, life doesn't exist on Mars and may have never existed on Mars. To the best of our knowledge life doesn't and never has existed on Venus or Mercury. So even in a life permitting universe, in a solar system known to contain life it appears (from the facts) that life requires certain conditions to occur. I don't have to disprove a supposition on your part that life may occur under different circumstances. Offer evidence it did or does.
Quote:Then why the fuck are you even here? Seriously, where do you think you are, in some kind of cosmic courtroom to prove your god exists? You're in a fucking forum debating cosmology, your sole purpose here is to try and persuade others around to your way of thinking, and part of that is arguing against the points that others make. Unless- and this is beginning to look increasingly likely- you're just here to make shit up and cause trouble.
I came to this forum to make my case in favor of theism, not to get approval of my case from advocates of atheism or to persuade them of anything. At any given time there are lurkers viewing our responses who are not convinced of either side of this debate. Those are the people who can read our debate and decide for themselves who has made the better case. So far in my opinion you are getting your head handed to you.