(November 11, 2009 at 12:20 pm)Scott Anonymous Wrote: Hey, I'm just using your own logic here..
I just asked for clarification on your question, so I do not know what you are referring to here.
(November 11, 2009 at 12:20 pm)Scott Anonymous Wrote: "The first three commandments are entirely about fearing the author of the orders. Entirely about being terrified of someone whom you are enjoined to love" - Christopher Hitchens
I don't think the words being used mean that you are to be afraid of God in the sense that you might be afraid of someone who is abusing you. I think it means to have the appropriate respect for. Put yourself in a theists shoes for a minute. Assuming that God created the universe and everything therein and gave you life, what kind of respect do you think He is entitled to? None? I don't think so. The God of the Bible is entitled to magnitudes more respect than the most powerful person to have existed on earth. So why is it ludicrous for the creator of everything to indicate that you should have appropriate respect for Him?
(November 11, 2009 at 12:20 pm)Scott Anonymous Wrote: Ok, so when I say the Bible is biased.. how would you defend this?
I don't know since you have not told me why you think the Bible is biased.
(November 11, 2009 at 12:20 pm)Scott Anonymous Wrote: Sorry, I would have to take that up with him? Can you answer this differently? this really doesn't help with the situation. You're just proving my point.. you're leaving everything in the hands of something you cannot prove exists.
I like to break things down into detail and, in this case, prove how the Bible is biased and unjust. Can you take all that and justify it somehow? I don't know if that's possible really but I'm open to it.
How about this...do you think it is an appropriate question to ask me why God didn't do things like you think He should have done them? Doesn't seem like an appropriate question to me.
I think the transcendental argument for God's existence does prove the existence of God. You may not but that is your business. But to say I am leaving everything in the hands of something I cannot prove exists is not being accurate because God's existence has been proved to my satisfaction.
As for proving how the Bible is biased and unjust, if one starts with your standards of bias and justness, I have no doubt that you can prove that which you set out to do. However, you will probably not prove it to me because I would probably take issue with your standards.