(April 2, 2013 at 7:56 am)MysticKnight Wrote:(April 2, 2013 at 7:52 am)Joel Wrote: Nowhere in the bible does it say that lying is permissable, given a certain situation.
It doesn't have to. It can be taken as a general rule of thumb regardless.
People do it here all the time. They say "Christians this and that..." and are generalizing and don't mean absolutely.
Unless it was stated "it is wrong to lie in any circumstance no matter what" or something on those lines, it's open to interpretation, that it's a general rule of thumb. That it's true 90-99% of the time.
Of course = as always -= when confronted with the truth - the theist decides to add to the story. There are always exceptions and additions that a theist can add - because of course their all knowing god LEFT OUT things from his supposed inspired word - that a MERE human has to add in.
However - the problem is there is NO mention of EXCEPTIONS in the bible - so they are just fulfilling the cafeteria religion by adding what they want - and not believing what they want - and ignoring what they want - but their belief is the ONE and ONLY
Sorry - the problem is that religion is actually NOT a basis for morality and ethics.
THE ethical and moral person does the correct things for one reason only - they are the right thing to do.
Religion adds in a REWARD for being good - and a punishment for being bad - ie - essentially an enticement that makes their claims of morality essentially false.
It is like the joke where the prostitute who says to the man that she would not go to bed with him for less than $100 dollars. When the man says $50 - the woman complains that she is not a whore - and the man replies - we have already established what YOU are - we are negotiating over the compensation.
IF you need a REWARD for being good - you are not actually being moral.