But I do love the irony that our resident protestant assholes have seized onto catholic doctrine and cling to it passionately.
Quote:10. Hell isn't all that Biblical
Very few of these ideas are from the Bible. The Bible does refer to Hell and its fires, but more of the details in Dante are drawn from Greek and Roman myths, and the vast majority are the creation of medieval Western imagination. Eastern Christian artists never shared their interest, and even in the West it was a late development - the doctrine of perpetual torment was propounded by the Lateran Council of 1215, just a century before Dante wrote. In modern times Christians have become increasingly sceptical about Hell. There are 622 verses in the Bible (in the New International Version) which mention Heaven, and 15 that mention Hell.
But I do love the irony that our resident protestant assholes have seized onto catholic doctrine and cling to it passionately.