RE: Poor Fundies.....Hell is A Literary Construct, Too!
May 20, 2013 at 11:10 am
(This post was last modified: May 20, 2013 at 11:34 am by Tiberius.)
Godschild Wrote:Yes I know, it is you who have seemed to of forgotten that and that unforgiven sin will place one in hell, do not forget that part either.
I never said you were going to hell, so you'll need to thank someone else. I have concluded nothing about your eternal destination, you have believed that for yourself apparently. You do seem to worry about the outcome, so it seems you are not completely sold on your thinking of God's judgement.
Ah but you did, godschild. You assert that I have the 'pride sin' then extrapolate that into unrepentant sin, then tell me I've forgotten that unrepentant sin sends one to hell.
godschild Wrote:What, you believe children have the proper knowledge to make that type of life changing decision?
missl Wrote:No, I believe that the decision isn't fit for anyone at any age. I've said this before, yeah. There is no choice. I can take as many routes to Downtown as I want, but I'll still end up Downtown because that's my destination.
godschild Wrote:God says there is only one narrow road to heaven, and many to downtown hell, one should choose wisely the road traveled.
There you go aGain! There's only one road to heaven, its assumed that atheism is not that road and I'm not choosing wisely, therefore I'm going to hell. You need not say directly I'm going to hell to convey that message.
missl Wrote:It's 'haughty' of you to consider yourself higher above the millions upon millions of other human beings who over time will be or have been sent to hell just so that you can go waltzing through life and make it to your own destination. According to you, I was put here to tempt you from believing in god and I'm going to hell, you to heaven, and our fates were already drawn out long before we were born.
godschild Wrote:On this I will call out liar, you need to prove I said I was better than anyone much less millions. What is it with you, you state things that I have not even thought of let lone post, you need to stick with what is actually said and leave your hate or whatever it is out of this. Just because others are going to hell does not mean I get to waltz through life, actually you have no idea what my life has been like, nor do you understand what it's like to live in a relationship with the living God. Predestination may be your view on life, but it's not mine, you know I find most people who are unhappy with their live's blame it on things like predestination or other things. You like the word haughty don't you, don't you think that might apply to what's in bold above. You give yourself to much credit, you couldn't tempt me into the simplest of things, you girl need to come to reality.
Its simple enough, I dont know why youre denying it. You claim predestination by default of claiming foreknowledge. Therefore all the unbelievers on this planet live and die and suffer in hell for eternity, so that god could have little old you as a forever companion. I did make a guesstimate as to how many that would be, but your own Bible states that there are far more who go to hell than not. I'm. Going to say this again, maybe it will stick. Foreknowledge has everything to do with predestination, especially when god is the maker of the destination, the maker of the traveler themselves, the maker of the tortuous path, and the arbiter of judgement and rules all in one. Are you really implying that I, an atheist, believe in predestination? No, I'm trying to reason with your unreasonable ass in the version of non reality that you've emersed yourself in.
missl Wrote:It's prideful, yes, for you to tell me or anyone else--based on your. version of reality--that we are going to hell.
Even if hell existed. Who are you to judge me?
godschild Wrote:Again you need to show where I directly said you are going to end up in hell, you are putting words into your statements that I never said, that is dishonest at the best. Actually it seems you have appointed yourself as judge.
Reality is, you say it all the freaking time, godschild. And your unrepentant sin statement in this thread assumes I have unrepentant sin thus I'm going to hell since I don't believe in a god to repent to. At least own up to your hell comments if you're going to make them.
missl Wrote:I've served those grown adults with childlike minds and you know the commonality between them all? They wish they were dead, most of the time. They live their whole lives out suffering every second away, with just a moments worth of breath and happiness skewed out inbetween absolute living hell. One of them, who has the comprehension of a 3 yr old, has even scoffed at me when I told them Jesus loved them. I would too. Waking every day into a living nightmare then being lucky if you fall asleep to escape it is no life that I would attribute to any loving god whatsoever.
godschild Wrote:I'm calling you out on this, you need to be truthful about others, my wife manages several homes for the mentally challenged, all adults, and they have great outlooks about their lives. So the only conclusion I can draw here is that it must be the way they are treated (and yes I have proof of this), my wife always treats her patients with the utmost Christian love. I know that some mentally challenged people act out at times it's part of what's going on in their brains and they can't help what they say. But for you to use a person that is that mentally challenged in an argument about Jesus is IMO pretty bad and inconsiderate.
Pretty assumptive thati m not being truthful there, careful. Just because your wife's patients are allowed a break from seizures and vomitting, choking on their own saliva, and incontinence, pain and confusion, medications, and suffering does not mean a goddamn thing. There are a plenty of violently ill and developmentally limited people just like the ones I've taken care of (well).
missl Wrote:What's more, does a five year old who knows it's bad not to listen to your mommy know the consequences of disobeying her and sticking their hand in a boiling pot? No. How could they fathom the suffering and torment and injury that they are facing? Or, bigger question: how can you fathom that five year old going through that hell? I mean, they're old enough to choose if they know right from wrong, yes? So them burning their skin off while you watched them with a convicting look was their fault then? Gonna tell them that when they're in the hospital enduring a skin graft are you?
godschild Wrote:I have no idea what you're trying to convey here, but if it's I'm cruel in some way, you deary are a dreadful person.
I was making a comparison between what you would be doing in a real world situation if you were acting like your god.
missl Wrote:Not a single person at any age has the ability to choose correctly the eternal state of their soul, period. And any god that would assume otherwise is malicious.
godschild Wrote:What's your problem, I have the right to make decisions about myself regardless what you think, it is my God given right first and second it is a right given to me by this country. If you have problems about determining your future, that's your problem. You need to deal with that.
Presumptive crap. Its my god given (and country given) right to believe your god is either a non existant or a malicious s prick. You got a problem with that, deal with it or hop your happy ass outta the kitchen.
If I were to create self aware beings knowing fully what they would do in their lifetimes, I sure wouldn't create a HELL for the majority of them to live in infinitely! That's not Love, that's sadistic. Therefore a truly loving god does not exist!
Dead wrong. The actions of a finite being measured against an infinite one are infinitesimal and therefore merit infinitesimal punishment.
I say again: No exceptions. Punishment should be equal to the crime, not in excess of it. As soon as the punishment is greater than the crime, the punisher is in the wrong.
Quote:The sin is against an infinite being (God) unforgiven infinitely, therefore the punishment is infinite.
Dead wrong. The actions of a finite being measured against an infinite one are infinitesimal and therefore merit infinitesimal punishment.
Quote:Some people deserve hell.
I say again: No exceptions. Punishment should be equal to the crime, not in excess of it. As soon as the punishment is greater than the crime, the punisher is in the wrong.
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