RE: Obama Hates Medical Marijuana And He Doesn't Care What The States Think
June 28, 2013 at 1:33 am
Drugs should be completely legalized. It does not hurt you if I decided to take a drug. Nor should it matter if I hurt myself while on an illegal substance if I have made the conscious decision to take the drug. I will tell you what kills more people than crack cocaine. Heart disease. So if you are to limit my use of a drug because I may cause harm to myself, then by those same standards should bacon be added to a list of illegal foods because it may cause you harm?
Drugs have been present since the beginning of civilization, some even think it may be what caused our rapid development into civilization. But the main point is that we humans like our drugs, and I would be hard pressed to think of a point where we will ever stop taking them, legal or not.
You will also ending up helping a lot of people out. Addicts are too afraid of facing harsh prison sentences for the drug use, so they refuse to seek help because they fear they will be arrested. Legalization will allow for them to seek help more openly.
Drugs are not the problem, abuse of them is. Just like with any prescription drug if you overuse or misuse them they can be dangerous. But used in appropriate levels with moderation there should be no reason I can't trip balls once or twice a month.
Drugs have been present since the beginning of civilization, some even think it may be what caused our rapid development into civilization. But the main point is that we humans like our drugs, and I would be hard pressed to think of a point where we will ever stop taking them, legal or not.
You will also ending up helping a lot of people out. Addicts are too afraid of facing harsh prison sentences for the drug use, so they refuse to seek help because they fear they will be arrested. Legalization will allow for them to seek help more openly.
Drugs are not the problem, abuse of them is. Just like with any prescription drug if you overuse or misuse them they can be dangerous. But used in appropriate levels with moderation there should be no reason I can't trip balls once or twice a month.