The murder we are describing here is a stranger killing a stranger without provocation.
If not everyone has a moral compass, then the imprisonment of criminals is wrong. They were just having fun and had no reason to believe it was wrong. That would also mean that good people are not responsible for being good. Rather, they were born into it, like wealth or a race. It means we have been discriminating against a class of people with our morals and laws all this time.
Being born into psychopathy is not the fault of the psycopath. That's why they aren't punished by law, but put into asylums. You can also be led to do evil by being convinced of it through bad influences like family or religion.
Our ancestors learned it the hard way. They did not invent morals. Killing is bad, whether or not you have found out about it for yourself. General human society agrees with this. Didn't we evolve into our morals? This wouldn't have happened if the moral landscape was manipulable.
We needed to be told that gays were normal people. We did NOT, however, upon the conclusion, have to be told that since they are normal people, they must be treated equally. Science has little standing in ethics. Isn't that a leap we all took on our own? We decided, that since gay people are born that way and are not freaks plotting against us, as we originally or naturally thought on finding out about their unfamiliar sexuality, that we should stand up for their rights.
Who told the world that slavery was wrong? Scientists? Clearly, the Europeans knew that Africans were people when they found them. They also knew that they had a lot of sugar cane to grow in the New World. They also knew that that the Africans could sell them many people at a low cost, and that there was much profit to be had in simply overlooking their rights. People then had to be brought back to the truth that all are equal, or else the abolitionist movement wouldn't have been conceived, because we could all really use some free labor today.
If not everyone has a moral compass, then the imprisonment of criminals is wrong. They were just having fun and had no reason to believe it was wrong. That would also mean that good people are not responsible for being good. Rather, they were born into it, like wealth or a race. It means we have been discriminating against a class of people with our morals and laws all this time.
Being born into psychopathy is not the fault of the psycopath. That's why they aren't punished by law, but put into asylums. You can also be led to do evil by being convinced of it through bad influences like family or religion.
Our ancestors learned it the hard way. They did not invent morals. Killing is bad, whether or not you have found out about it for yourself. General human society agrees with this. Didn't we evolve into our morals? This wouldn't have happened if the moral landscape was manipulable.
We needed to be told that gays were normal people. We did NOT, however, upon the conclusion, have to be told that since they are normal people, they must be treated equally. Science has little standing in ethics. Isn't that a leap we all took on our own? We decided, that since gay people are born that way and are not freaks plotting against us, as we originally or naturally thought on finding out about their unfamiliar sexuality, that we should stand up for their rights.
Who told the world that slavery was wrong? Scientists? Clearly, the Europeans knew that Africans were people when they found them. They also knew that they had a lot of sugar cane to grow in the New World. They also knew that that the Africans could sell them many people at a low cost, and that there was much profit to be had in simply overlooking their rights. People then had to be brought back to the truth that all are equal, or else the abolitionist movement wouldn't have been conceived, because we could all really use some free labor today.