(July 17, 2013 at 10:36 am)Drich Wrote:(July 16, 2013 at 8:49 pm)Ryantology Wrote: Which 'biblical-based understanding' is objectively correct? Prove your answer, please.
I must have asked this question of our local theists a hundred times and I've never once got an answer.
All biblically based jesus Christ centered doctrine are correct for a time, and all are also wrong when that time ends.
When Christ died on the cross He freeded us from the Law. Meaning we are no longer bound to a set of rules to find 'justification/righteousness' by. This mean not only are we not bound to a list of thou shalt not's nor does it mean we are bound to a list of thou shalts either. Christ's death left us with this one absolute, Love God with all of your being and love your neighbor as your self.
In this the the whole law is completely summed up. So how does that translate to no one specific interpertation of the bible?
It's simple. In loving God with all of our being we have to love God with all of our minds, Heart Spirit and Strength. To love God with all of our mind means to put fourth all of our understand and comperhension ablities to understand God. So when we start out we at first may have to bind ourself with the law as a means to love God with all of our being then we have to live by the Law. If we can live in freedom from the law then we are obligated to let the law go and live in the freedom we understand to be provided for us, but at the same time not allow our freedom to corrupt someone who does not understand it..
Paul underlines this principle over and over in his letters to the corinthians and Romans.
Christ Himself says: "For whatever we bind here on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever we loose here on earth will be loosed in Heaven."
The Key in all of this is Jesus Christ, as there is only Freedom to be found in his sacrifice. Without a Jesus Christ centered understanding of scripture, then none of his freedoms apply.
I have no idea why you gave this as an answer, because it didn't address what I was actually asking.