It's fascist . . . it's socialist . . . blah, blah, blah. Cry me a river! I don't know how it is with Bible thumpers in other countries, but American Baptists and Evangelicals have to be among the biggest pussies, with the most unearned persecution complex, of any group in the world. That the very people who are indoctrinated (and wish to indoctrinate others) into an ancient, irrational cult whine about state-sponsored indoctrination -- or, as it's known in the civilized world, science education -- is disgusting in the extreme. Sadly, it's all too common, and there doesn't seem to be an end to it.
People like this are the best argument available for Kentucky revamping its science curriculum to give those poor kids a fighting chance. How any parent could want anything less than the best when it comes to their children's education eludes me. Fucking cretins.
People like this are the best argument available for Kentucky revamping its science curriculum to give those poor kids a fighting chance. How any parent could want anything less than the best when it comes to their children's education eludes me. Fucking cretins.