(August 1, 2013 at 1:28 am)Godschild Wrote:
PP Wrote:You're bad at doing research on something you're trying to convince people of. After Joseph Smith the con and druggie gave the world the Book of Mormon, he set about correcting the entire Bible. It's called the "Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible". He took a KJV and made inspired changes. Oh...this is the first you're hearing of this. Well, I'm so glad I can be the bearer of glad tidings and good will.
Just like the JW's did, write the word of God to fit their own religion, you and the JW's can fight that one out, seems the Mormons are at odds with all denominations.
GC Wrote:Explain why the Mormon Church waited for about 100 years, before they added, of Jesus Christ to, The Church of Latter Day Saints, why?
PP Wrote:I imagine it was to get rid of the stigma that had been attached to the word "Mormons". Putting Jesus Christ in the title was a way of bridging the gap with the rest of the Christian Community, to show that we do indeed worship Christ and believe in his Atoning Sacrifice.
But wait, you are saying from this and other post all other denominations are cults, why would the Mormon Church want to be associated with cults. the stigma they wanted to get rid of was Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon.
PP Wrote:By the way, you can't get on to other people for spelling mistakes when you can't spell the "Moron Church" correctly. Hardy har.
I didn't say anything about your spelling and if you're speaking of MS, he misspells words all the time. I know my spelling is not that good, however my key board does not always print the letters out, so sorry it was not intentional.
GC Wrote:I can see why you would, you accept without question the man made Mormon religion of Joseph Smith, so why not evolution.
PP Wrote:Am I that transparent? Perhaps there are other factors here, but you simply are not asking the right questions to find out what they are. I'm sorry that I gave you the impression that I was gullible. Perhaps your first clue should have been that I wasn't taken in by your load of crap.
Because I challenge your religion as one of Christianity, I'm full of .... well. You make yourself fairly transparent and that is good, you do not hide what you believe.
GC Wrote:Are you saying God created man twice, where does it state that?
PP Wrote:Oh, you never heard of the Pre-Adamites?
You talking about the apes evolutionist say we came from, because if you're not I know you did not get that from the Bible. That's what I was asking how did you get that understanding from Genesis.
PP Wrote:Creation 1
"God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." - Genesis 1:27
Creation 2
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." - Genesis 2:7
This takes place after the Seventh Day of Rest. The Garden of Eden account could have taken place at any point in man's history.
Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord made the earth and heaven.
This must be referring to another planet and heavens then, since it came after the day of rest.
Genesis 2:7 then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.
(8 And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there He put the man whom He had formed.
So which creation is Adam and who was the pre-Adamite. You choose, the one created in God's image or the one formed from the ground. If evolution had a part in it then the one created in God's image could not have been part of evolution. That would put the pre-Adamite in the Garden. You have really got this story turned up side down.
GC Wrote:
PP Wrote:You're a Christian; why are you asking me something you should know by heart? Get your Bible out and read the account, man!
I've read and studied it word by word, and I'm still learning from the creation account. I want to see what you know, which right now I do not think it's as much as you would let on. I read my Bible all the time, see I do not have nor need another account of God's word to read, the one He gave is great.
GC Wrote:This is a statement true to all of us.
PP Wrote:You have a strange way of showing it then. Why do you not admit that some of your understanding may be flawed? Man is fallible, so why aren't you?
I've been fallible from the day I was born, I've explained many times on this forum that I do not know everything and that some of what I believe may not be true, but an atheist arguing the scriptures as if he knows what He's talking about is ridiculous.
God loves those who believe and those who do not and the same goes for me, you have no choice in this matter. That puts the matter of total free will to rest.