RE: Why is Tyre Still Here When God Said it Would Sink Under the Waves?
September 26, 2013 at 11:56 am
Don't worry about it. Tyre comes up every few months because the jesus freaks can't bear the thought that their "god" fucked up.
I don't think these things were ever intended to be "prophecies." The writers would have had to be the stupidest bastards on earth to write that Nebuchadnezzar would destroy Tyre after he failed to do so! They seem much more like "execration texts" in which some bozo implores the gods - or god but that is far from certain at this time - to punish his enemies.
Rarely worked because there were no fucking gods....or god.
I don't think these things were ever intended to be "prophecies." The writers would have had to be the stupidest bastards on earth to write that Nebuchadnezzar would destroy Tyre after he failed to do so! They seem much more like "execration texts" in which some bozo implores the gods - or god but that is far from certain at this time - to punish his enemies.
Rarely worked because there were no fucking gods....or god.