(October 14, 2013 at 3:35 pm)bladevalant546 Wrote: I, with plenty of debates with my girlfriend we have come to a middel ground. I believe there should be limits to abortion as the line between proto-person and potiential person becomes blurred. I feel 16-21 weeks is a reasonable cut off date as the brain during that stage is affect heavily affected by stimuli and with our proper nuerological study we could be killing a person rather or not they have expriences or personality. With that said, I think before that period of time there is little doubt that it is merely a potiental person. I also hold to the notion that we pump alot of money into safer and more effective contraceptives and end yet another destructive and pritimive means.
i completely agree with u , however religion doesnt tolerate contraceptives or even sexual education or even ...letting have their kids save seks........
the only thing religion does is undermining nature..therefore when it happens (seks, both drunk in the bushes behind the local bar) , the perfect scenary for disaster is a fact .
the other reason why religion doesnt want abortion (or contraceptives) is the fact that it plays right into their hands.
it effectively destroys the girls future (no education) making her and her KID dependable on church hand-outs ...and so beeing able to put their hands around their throats when not complying to the RULES they make in exchange for the hand-outs.
like putting the kid on sunday school , attending services etc etc etc ...ensuring the kid to be indoctrinated with the poison they tell..