(October 21, 2013 at 6:25 am)LastPoet Wrote: Around here there isn't much talk about religion. Most are non-practicing catholics and even the ones that practice don't really start talking about it from nothing. Given this, I also don't have the need to tell anyone about being an atheist, unless asked directly.
I also don't know anyone that has been ostracized for being an atheist around here. Portugal is quite secular, barring a few nutcases, religious people from all the faiths are very moderate and keep it to themselves or when they are on the church/mosque/temple.
Portuguese Republic Constitution Wrote:Article 41
(Freedom of conscience, religion and worship)
1. Freedom of conscience, religion and worship shall be inviolable.
2. No one shall be persecuted, deprived of rights or exempted from civic obligations or duties because of his convictions or religious observance.
3. No authority shall question anyone in relation to his convictions or religious observance, save in order to gather statistical data that cannot be individually identified, nor shall anyone be prejudiced in any way for refusing to answer.
4. Churches and other religious communities shall be separate from the state and free to organise themselves and to perform their ceremonies and their worship.
5. Freedom to teach any religion within the denomination in question and to use appropriate media for the pursuit of its activities shall be guaranteed.
6. The right to be a conscientious objector, as laid down by law, shall be guaranteed.
It's great to have a constitution that was written in 1974... as opposed to the US, which was written... when?... 1700's? 1800's?