(October 27, 2013 at 7:44 pm)Ivy Wrote:Quote:Common do you really think a loving God would let a Christian be subjected to a which like the movie the 'Conjuring proposes'
But what if the god is not loving? I'm atheist, but I'm trying to think outside the box. Suppose there was a god. He is most certainly not babysitting us. I mean, if he allows for kids to be raped, kids to starve, women to be sold as candy, etc... why would he not allow witches to torture?
The bible does not say God loves everyone. There are even those in whom God hates. The love of God is manifest in the forgiveness of sin for those who seek it. Otherwise we are allowed to be as crappy as we want to be. Why? Because we have the ability to sin. To God all sin is the same. If we are allowed to do one then all are on the table.