Quote:God who created human, gave men and women different merits. Even many non-Muslim scientists agree on that.
You mean a learned behavioural merit or a genetic/biological merit? I'm sure describing the difference to you would be a complete waste of time. In short, yes, there are subtle differences in the cell biology of female brains. Certain regions activate differently to various stimuli, but the same experiments tend to show the same basic facts: That the capacity for learning information is more or less equal amongst the sexes, the capacity for emotion is more or less equal (even when we factor hormones in to the equation), the capacity for mental aptitude on various tasks is more or less the same (such as driving a car for example). My work profession is in a Pathology lab, and i'm not going to even bother detailing how evolutionary science offers a way better explanation for biological gender differences amongst humans, other hominids and all other members of the animal kingdom (gender differences vary widly from species to species by the way).
Quote:As an example, Dr Summers (Harvard President) told the conference about giving his daughter two trucks. She treated them like dolls, and named them mummy and daddy trucks, he said
Because of a combination of maternal biology and cultural stimuli (from tv etc) I expect. What Dr Summers probably didn't say is that when his daughter grows up, she shouldn't be allowed to drive a truck.
Quote:You based your assertions on false premises (men and women are equal)
At least your openly admitting now that you think women are not equal to men, even if it does make you a complete tool.
Quote:On the other hand, God gave each one his fitted role, women are better in treating children specially at young age, they are more patient and emotional
Men are more practical and fitted to work outside and care about financial and political issues
This may be the case in the muslim world, in which women are expected to stay at home and raise childred whilst men go out and fulfil their natural impulses to do finance and politics stuff (real MAN stuff). Ever thought that through centuries of enforcing gender roles that perhaps women would show good child-rearing skills becasue they've been culturally conditioned to believe that's the only thing they'll ever be good at? In the western world this is increasingly uncommon. Men have been shown, using the same science that you cherry picked above and would usually reject, to be capable of showing huge paternal behavioural patterns. Their hormones undergo radical changes during early parenting, and they are often at their most placid and gentle, because they've evolved with it, just like women have. The idea that men are more practical or better suited to narrow and poorly-defined muslim job roles like handyman or oil baron just goes to show what an utter fool you are. Women can be sucessful in politics, and academically women outperform men in primary and secondary schooling in almost every subject in every western country. Contrast that to the schooling of women in parts of the Islamic world, which ranges from non-existent to segregated and insular. Illiteracy rates are through the roof in some countries. If you gave your women the opportunity to learn you'd be shocked to discover that they'd likely blossom in to much more distinguished characters than you could ever hope to.