I appreciate your candor.
I don't trust the companies and governmental agencies in charge of Health Product Safety. Nor food saftey, nor School saftey, but the WHO and regional local agencies are not serving us as best they can. I repeat that I am only fear mongering if I am trying to get people to act i na certain way. I speak only for myself, and I don't think it can count as fear mongering. May be delusion, and self deception, but I am the only one involved...
I don't mean that HPV shots let you be promiscuous, but that they are only effective if they are effective. If a lot of young women have become sterile or very, very sickly from taking the shot, then there are questions about the saftey and efficacy of the medicine.
I don't think it is some big conspiracy, I have always found flaws in the modern worlds problem solving capabilities. The companies that make vaccines could make a much better and safer and more useful and more effective product, but it seems sometimes will medicate people with useless are dangerous stuff in the interests of profit seeking.
Please feel free to trust them and take whatever they offer you. You said you get the Flu shot every year, I am surprised that you are curious as to who makes the shot, what they put into the shot, and what thir prior saftey record is. I assure you the the swine flu shot was not exactly the same as the seasonal flu shot. It was the same kind of shot (an attenuated adjuncated virus), the same kind of science, but it was a different shot made in a different manner by a different company.
I can offer easy links to evidence that the Pharma Corps are evil, it is something I learned a little bit at a time from living here. I have doubts and unanswered questions, and the websites you suggest just don't reassure me. I am not a conspiracy theorist, or some crazy like on the cartoons. I am an intelligent and aware human being doing me best to stay safe. I am not fear mongering, I am not motivate by the need to see as many people adopt my ideas and stay unvaccinated and get as sick as possible. I am only motivated by my natural self preservation. I assure you that my involvment in the anti-vac crowd started long before that label existed, and that my motivator is safe and effectice medicine. I am trying for a world were we are not lied to day in and day out.
I appreciate you taking your time. Thanks.
I don't trust the companies and governmental agencies in charge of Health Product Safety. Nor food saftey, nor School saftey, but the WHO and regional local agencies are not serving us as best they can. I repeat that I am only fear mongering if I am trying to get people to act i na certain way. I speak only for myself, and I don't think it can count as fear mongering. May be delusion, and self deception, but I am the only one involved...
I don't mean that HPV shots let you be promiscuous, but that they are only effective if they are effective. If a lot of young women have become sterile or very, very sickly from taking the shot, then there are questions about the saftey and efficacy of the medicine.
I don't think it is some big conspiracy, I have always found flaws in the modern worlds problem solving capabilities. The companies that make vaccines could make a much better and safer and more useful and more effective product, but it seems sometimes will medicate people with useless are dangerous stuff in the interests of profit seeking.
Please feel free to trust them and take whatever they offer you. You said you get the Flu shot every year, I am surprised that you are curious as to who makes the shot, what they put into the shot, and what thir prior saftey record is. I assure you the the swine flu shot was not exactly the same as the seasonal flu shot. It was the same kind of shot (an attenuated adjuncated virus), the same kind of science, but it was a different shot made in a different manner by a different company.
I can offer easy links to evidence that the Pharma Corps are evil, it is something I learned a little bit at a time from living here. I have doubts and unanswered questions, and the websites you suggest just don't reassure me. I am not a conspiracy theorist, or some crazy like on the cartoons. I am an intelligent and aware human being doing me best to stay safe. I am not fear mongering, I am not motivate by the need to see as many people adopt my ideas and stay unvaccinated and get as sick as possible. I am only motivated by my natural self preservation. I assure you that my involvment in the anti-vac crowd started long before that label existed, and that my motivator is safe and effectice medicine. I am trying for a world were we are not lied to day in and day out.
I appreciate you taking your time. Thanks.