In one of your post (n°17 of this topic) you wrote the next sentence about Muhammad :
"He was not illiterate. That's a lie believed by Sunnis.
You aren't a sunni therefore I have some questions :
1.Are you a "shi'a muslim" or a "Qu'ranist" ? if you're not a "sh'ia" or a "Qurayoon" can you explain why ? if you're a "shi'a" or an "only quran" can you say the reason(s) ?
2.The Qu'ran tell us that a first man did existed (2:30-2:34). The biologists know that this is false because they have evidences that "evolution theory" is true. If what say the Qu'ran is true. I ask you to refute this theory with the science (not with a pseudo-science similar to "Zakir Naik , Harun Yahya etc..."). Excuse me to cite sunni pseudo-scientists I know that you're not a sunni , but I don't know any shi'a pseudo-scientist or a Quranist pseudo-scientist.
3.If "Allah" is "omnipotent and omniscient" can you explain the presence of the next ayaat in the Koran ? (2:106 and 16:101).
"He was not illiterate. That's a lie believed by Sunnis.
You aren't a sunni therefore I have some questions :
1.Are you a "shi'a muslim" or a "Qu'ranist" ? if you're not a "sh'ia" or a "Qurayoon" can you explain why ? if you're a "shi'a" or an "only quran" can you say the reason(s) ?
2.The Qu'ran tell us that a first man did existed (2:30-2:34). The biologists know that this is false because they have evidences that "evolution theory" is true. If what say the Qu'ran is true. I ask you to refute this theory with the science (not with a pseudo-science similar to "Zakir Naik , Harun Yahya etc..."). Excuse me to cite sunni pseudo-scientists I know that you're not a sunni , but I don't know any shi'a pseudo-scientist or a Quranist pseudo-scientist.
3.If "Allah" is "omnipotent and omniscient" can you explain the presence of the next ayaat in the Koran ? (2:106 and 16:101).