Ok I know a thing or two about the practice of your religion, I can douche it out with you later. But based purely on what you've already said, here is where you've been illogical:
1. Humans are placed on earth to worship god. But somehow your omniscient and omnipotent allah could not manage to spread islam to all humans. Why is that? In fact, yours is a rather young religion, plenty of people lived before your religion even STARTED, so what were their purposes? Why does an omnipotent being who aims to have a bunch of worshippers takes so fucking long to get to the point and when he finally got to it, the majority of the world aren't even muslims! That's illogical.
2. Related point: you said god needs nothing. But apparently he needs worshippers, why else are humans here? Or at least he needs entertainment.
3. Find me verses in the qur'an that says believers are equal to nonbelievers or pagans, and I want verses that says so EXPLICITLY, not just "don't kill" so that includes everyone. (while you're at that, keep in mind that I have a video with muslims acting out a musical that contains the verse that Islam sex is better than jewish sex, I'll post it if you manage to find this verse, to show where my "misconceptions" came from).
4. If it doesn't matter what god we worship we go to heaven, then why bother writing a book that tells people how to live? When that's not the point at all, following any book will get you to heaven. Illogical again.
I have loads more. But there's no point going there if you can't even field this 4.
1. Humans are placed on earth to worship god. But somehow your omniscient and omnipotent allah could not manage to spread islam to all humans. Why is that? In fact, yours is a rather young religion, plenty of people lived before your religion even STARTED, so what were their purposes? Why does an omnipotent being who aims to have a bunch of worshippers takes so fucking long to get to the point and when he finally got to it, the majority of the world aren't even muslims! That's illogical.
2. Related point: you said god needs nothing. But apparently he needs worshippers, why else are humans here? Or at least he needs entertainment.
3. Find me verses in the qur'an that says believers are equal to nonbelievers or pagans, and I want verses that says so EXPLICITLY, not just "don't kill" so that includes everyone. (while you're at that, keep in mind that I have a video with muslims acting out a musical that contains the verse that Islam sex is better than jewish sex, I'll post it if you manage to find this verse, to show where my "misconceptions" came from).
4. If it doesn't matter what god we worship we go to heaven, then why bother writing a book that tells people how to live? When that's not the point at all, following any book will get you to heaven. Illogical again.
I have loads more. But there's no point going there if you can't even field this 4.