Version numbers rarely mean anything, given that the versioning systems available are so many. Look at Ubuntu's (and other Linux distros) versioning system. They take the year of the release, and then the month, so the last one was 9.10 (October 2009). The "first" Ubuntu release was 4.10.
By the looks of it, they increment the primary release number by 1 every time they improve the browser in some drastic way:
1.0 - First stable release.
2.0 - Mouse wheel support, 35% faster JavaScript, Fullscreen, Page-zoom, Form others.
3.0 - Faster JavaScript, HTML 5 support, theming.
4.0 - Extensions, Acid 3 Test support, Dev Tools, etc.
5.0 - Official support for Linux / Mac.
So to be honest, they aren't that different from Mozilla's release cycle. The difference I guess is that Google can afford to pay for development far more than Mozilla can, and so they have a much faster release cycle. Devs have picked up the "Chrome buzz" after years of working with Firefox, and this explains the fast releases the Chromium project has also had. I suspect now with it working on multiple platforms, it'll pick up even more speed, especially with all the new extensions that can be made for it.
By the looks of it, they increment the primary release number by 1 every time they improve the browser in some drastic way:
1.0 - First stable release.
2.0 - Mouse wheel support, 35% faster JavaScript, Fullscreen, Page-zoom, Form others.
3.0 - Faster JavaScript, HTML 5 support, theming.
4.0 - Extensions, Acid 3 Test support, Dev Tools, etc.
5.0 - Official support for Linux / Mac.
So to be honest, they aren't that different from Mozilla's release cycle. The difference I guess is that Google can afford to pay for development far more than Mozilla can, and so they have a much faster release cycle. Devs have picked up the "Chrome buzz" after years of working with Firefox, and this explains the fast releases the Chromium project has also had. I suspect now with it working on multiple platforms, it'll pick up even more speed, especially with all the new extensions that can be made for it.