The most logical women is not as logical as the most logical man. Women have lapses in judgement, they use their emotions and feelings more. That's just their nature.
Women are given property rights in Islam while in the west women didn't start getting property rights until 1800-1900s
Women are given rights under divorce and under Islam you're supposed to give women respect. The reason women are to cover their hair because without it they're sex objects that men stare. At least in America that's how it is
West women rights- dancing naked in music videos to lyrics calling women bitches and hoes and only for male pleasure. Women's rights! Lol
Islam- women cover up, have respect, property rights, divorce rights
I honestly laugh at your idea of women rights. It's the liberal media that has forced this down your throats.
Women are given property rights in Islam while in the west women didn't start getting property rights until 1800-1900s
Women are given rights under divorce and under Islam you're supposed to give women respect. The reason women are to cover their hair because without it they're sex objects that men stare. At least in America that's how it is
West women rights- dancing naked in music videos to lyrics calling women bitches and hoes and only for male pleasure. Women's rights! Lol
Islam- women cover up, have respect, property rights, divorce rights
I honestly laugh at your idea of women rights. It's the liberal media that has forced this down your throats.