(November 28, 2013 at 12:33 pm)Sleepy Wrote: The most logical women is not as logical as the most logical man. Women have lapses in judgement, they use their emotions and feelings more. That's just their nature.
Where's your proof for this, or is it based on your own field research? In fact you should publish all your findings and pick up a nobel prize, you can include your evidence for jinns and magic carpets too
Quote:Women are given property rights in Islam while in the west women didn't start getting property rights until 1800-1900s
Women in Islam were no more free and liberated than women in medieval europe or anywhere else in the world. You have an incorrect and rose tinted view of history, because you've never bothered to study it objectively. Granting women some meagre property rights does not constitute liberty. In a legal sense women were still treated very diferently from men, worth about half as much typically. Oh, and queen Elizabeth owned a lot of property, probably more than any woman in Islam ever did.
Quote:Women are given rights under divorce and under Islam you're supposed to give women respect. The reason women are to cover their hair because without it they're sex objects that men stare. At least in America that's how it is
No, women have to cover themselves up so that men won't get boners. It is assumed in Islam that men don't have the willpower to simply look away or think about something else, hence every female ruling is designed to benefit the man and not the woman. Women in Islam have to spend their life monitoring their behaviour (or quite often having it monitored by male family members) so as to benefit muslim men's sexual frustration. Why should women have to disgrace themselves with undignified and ghastly bedsheets because you can't come to terms with your erection? You're a fucking cretin.
Quote:West women rights- dancing naked in music videos to lyrics calling women bitches and hoes and only for male pleasure. Women's rights! Lol
Islam- women cover up, have respect, property rights, divorce rights
Actually yeah I think there is merit in a certain degree of modesty. I too think that endless sex saturation from music videos etc can have negative effects on children. However women grinding in r'n'b videos has nothing to do with women reaching prominent positions in the business and cultural world, which is largely supressed in backwards Islamic countries.
West - A very mixed bag, differing from country to country, but on the whole progressively liberating conditions for women (in all sectors of life)
Islam - Women confined to functional roles and treated as property, to be owned and traded by men (the ruling class). No real liberty, ultra strict rules that rigidly restrict employment and cultural opportunities. Name me one modernised Islamic country in which women are roughly equally represented in non sexy music video roles such as Business or the arts? Name me one Islamic country that prominently features women in government? Angela Merkel has more diplomatic/political power than any man is the Islamic world. There are hundreds more examples.
Quote:I honestly laugh at your idea of women rights. It's the liberal media that has forced this down your throats.
It is your retarded desert anthology of bedtime stories that has caused you to view women as shit, and believe in fairy tales demons that live in marshes or whatever. Even the worst heroin-addled slag whore woman in my country has more dignity and sophistication than you.
(June 19, 2013 at 3:23 am)Muslim Scholar Wrote: Most Gays have a typical behavior of rejecting religions, because religions consider them as sinners (In Islam they deserve to be killed)
(June 19, 2013 at 3:23 am)Muslim Scholar Wrote: I think you are too idiot to know the meaning of idiot for example you have a law to prevent boys under 16 from driving do you think that all boys under 16 are careless and cannot drive properly