(November 30, 2013 at 6:32 pm)pineapplebunnybounce Wrote: Bolding mine. WHAT?
And don't speak for Islam as if you have the ultimate authority, it's an outright lie to say Islam doesn't say you cannot kill apostates when there are so so many muslims who do believe in the hadith and believe that you can kill apostates. You do not represent the entirety of your religion, to pretend that you do is dishonest. You can choose not to defend their stance and condemn their stance but it's another thing to say Islam doesn't do this.
I'm a muslim , so I believe in "La ilaha illallah" so it means "there is no god but Allah".
and my god says in 7:185 "Do they not look at the dominion of heavens and earth, and all that God has created, and perhaps their time is drawing near? In which hadith after this one will they acknowledge?"
and he says in 12:111 "In their stories is a lesson for the people of intelligence. It is not a hadith that was invented, but an authentication of what is already present, a detailing of all things, and a guidance and mercy to a people who acknowledge"
and he says in 31:6 "Among the people, there are those who accept baseless hadiths to mislead from the path of God without knowledge, and they take it as entertainment. These will have a humiliating retribution."
and he says in 45:6 "These are God's signs that We recite to you with truth. So, in which hadith, after God and His signs, do they acknowledge?"
and he says in 77:50 "So in what hadith after it will they acknowledge?"
and he says in 6:116 "If you obey the majority of those on earth they will lead you away from God's path; that is because they follow conjecture, and that is because they only guess."
and he says in 2:256 "There is no compulsion in the system.."
and he says in 16:125 "Invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and good advice, and argue with them in the best possible manner.."
and he says in 50:45 "We are totally aware of what they say, and you are not to be a tyrant over them. So remind with the Quran those who fear My promise."
and he says in 10:99 "And had your Lord willed, all the people on Earth in their entirety would have believed. Would you force the people to make them believe?"
and he says in 109:1-6 "Say them "To you is your religion/system, and to me is mine.""
and he says in 88:22 and 88:21 "So remind, for you are but a reminder, you have no power over them."
and he says in 12:104 "And you do not ask them for a wage for it, it is but a reminder to the worlds."
Now , can you see ? My GOD says that there is no compulsion and one fairy tale that is not known invented by whom says "kill apostates".
So which one I have to believe , ofcourse I will believe in my GOD .
Your hate makes you blind .