(December 6, 2013 at 12:12 pm)Sleepy Wrote: It's not rape because they're married. They both got into a contract to exclusively have sex with each other. If a husband or wife forces another to have sex there is no emotional or physical trauma. Though it is unethical it is a sin upon the person doing the forcing. There is no legal punishment though
"My husband raped me"
" my wife raped me ". Sex is natural between married couples. Rape is between in consenting person with no relationship to rapist.
Not wanting to have sex has no standing within marriage as the marriage agreement is that you will have sex with another. Not for one spouse to say no I'm good. Don't get married than if you plan on refusing your spouse unless you're sick or hurt
Woah, hang the fuck on. Wasn't a rape victim forced to marry her rapist??? So what, a guy rapes a women, marries her and then gets to rape her again whenever he wants? And you're ok with this???
Fuck you. Fuck your god. Fuck your prophet. Fuck your shitty little book of bollocks.