So, I had a whole, large post laid out intending to refute presuppositional apologetics on its most critical levels (foundational attack, epistemological and methodological problems, confusions on logic, etc.) - and I still have it saved as a draft - but I thought of a more interesting question, which is particularly aimed at the theists here:
What do you think of Presuppositional Apologetics?
If you've never seen it before, here's a video wherein a guy I'm subbed to on YouTube engages some presuppers:
In particular, does it turn you off? The common thread among presuppers is to cut you at every conceivable instance, be epistemologically hypocritical (you can't discuss the Bible - which we regard as part of our epistemology - but we can, you can't justify why contradictions aren't allowed in your worldview, etc), and do an insane amount of projection. I mean seriously, even the video I linked above was a tame example of your typical presuppositionalist (just search for Sye Ten Bruggencate).
But that's my take, what're yours?
What do you think of Presuppositional Apologetics?
If you've never seen it before, here's a video wherein a guy I'm subbed to on YouTube engages some presuppers:
In particular, does it turn you off? The common thread among presuppers is to cut you at every conceivable instance, be epistemologically hypocritical (you can't discuss the Bible - which we regard as part of our epistemology - but we can, you can't justify why contradictions aren't allowed in your worldview, etc), and do an insane amount of projection. I mean seriously, even the video I linked above was a tame example of your typical presuppositionalist (just search for Sye Ten Bruggencate).
But that's my take, what're yours?