(January 28, 2014 at 4:59 pm)1tasolo Wrote: If we have a starting point that Jesus was just a man, had a small cult and followers, got killed by someone or the goverment, why would the stories develop and grow so much?
How did it get so big?
He was practically invisible to the surrounding historians etc
I just can't understand how it became one of the largest religions in the world?
Any rational explanations why it turned out the way it did?
Ok well for a start we need to think of the population back then and it was definitely much smaller.
We also need to factor in that there were several peoples performing miracles and wonders so Jesus was not exactly someone to stand out.
The reason that Jesus took off is because there were many who did not like the Jewish System of things and Jesus allowed them to be 'Jewish' but not follow the Reigeme.
Look at it this way would you follow the OT or the NT. Most Christians base their faith in Jesus and not the OT which was also a valid view point.
Jesus also was the only one to teach the words 'Eternal' / 'Lake of Fire' which have obviously came from Egyptian Influences growing up. So stuff like this deeply scared people.
Jesus only Got big around 150 Years after his death when different cells of religion got together under Constantine so if you have the Emperor of Rome pushing your version of religion and burning others who oppose it makes sense how Christianity took off 'IT WAS THE ONLY RELIGION THAT YOU DIDNT GET KILLED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT'
Rants and Raves from an Ex-Christian http://walkofthemonkeyman.blogspot.co.uk/