Hillbilly goes to the doctor because he has some itching and burning in his ass. The doc checks him out and says, "Buddy, you got hemorrhoids. I'm going to give you some suppositories. I want you to take them three times a day for a week and then come back and see me". After a week the Hillbilly goes back and the doctor asks, "How did those suppositories work out for you?" The Hillbilly answered, "Doc, they didn't work fer nothin'! I took them thangs with water, I took 'em with milk, I took 'em with coffee...for all the good they done me, I shoulda stuck 'em up my ass!"
"Inside every Liberal there's a Totalitarian screaming to get out"
Quote: JohnDG...
Quote: JohnDG...
Quote:It was an awful mistake to characterize based upon religion. I should not judge any theist that way, I must remember what I said in order to change.