An invisible hand that you can actually see. Wow. Once again Min, you misuse terms. Quoting from Wikipedia:
Bolding mine. I mean, can you get more wrong with your terminology that this? You post a link to a story about a government passing laws that make it a crime to try and hurt business profits, and then try to claim this is an example of the marketplace operating without government intervention? Ridiculous.
Wikipedia Wrote:In economics, the invisible hand of the market is a metaphor conceived by Adam Smith to describe the self-regulating behavior of the marketplace. Individuals can make profit, and maximize it without the need for government intervention.
Bolding mine. I mean, can you get more wrong with your terminology that this? You post a link to a story about a government passing laws that make it a crime to try and hurt business profits, and then try to claim this is an example of the marketplace operating without government intervention? Ridiculous.