The things people believe in!...
And they can't bear the thought that they just might be wrong in that belief... no, they just dig deeper and deeper until there's no getting out.
Sword here is a great example of such digging. Also known as self-delusion.
And I highly doubt that the god he currently believes in is not the one he grew up to believe... the one he was indoctrinated in...
Others are indoctrinated in other gods... they also evaluate competing religious texts and remain firm in their beliefs.
Both get there by rationalizing their beliefs to the point where theirs are the only possible correct ones.
So, if 'A' is completely correct AND 'B' is also completely correct, but 'A' and 'B' are mutually exclusive, then which one is actually correct?
How to tell?
Trust the proponents of each religious view?.... doesn't seem to be free from psychological biases and other fallacies.
Trust some unbiased point of view?... How to get such a POV? Obtain some sort of consensus by people who have no vested interest in the subject, perhaps?
People who have managed not to get indoctrinated? that's difficult to find. But we can have people who do their best to keep their preconceptions locked up and come to the most honest conclusions they can.... and then let them reach a consensus.
Sort of like... science, no?
So, science has come up with zero evidence for any divine entity, thus far...
How much longer must we keep looking, until humanity gives up on this useless notion of an after-life?
And they can't bear the thought that they just might be wrong in that belief... no, they just dig deeper and deeper until there's no getting out.
Sword here is a great example of such digging. Also known as self-delusion.
And I highly doubt that the god he currently believes in is not the one he grew up to believe... the one he was indoctrinated in...
Others are indoctrinated in other gods... they also evaluate competing religious texts and remain firm in their beliefs.
Both get there by rationalizing their beliefs to the point where theirs are the only possible correct ones.
So, if 'A' is completely correct AND 'B' is also completely correct, but 'A' and 'B' are mutually exclusive, then which one is actually correct?
How to tell?
Trust the proponents of each religious view?.... doesn't seem to be free from psychological biases and other fallacies.
Trust some unbiased point of view?... How to get such a POV? Obtain some sort of consensus by people who have no vested interest in the subject, perhaps?
People who have managed not to get indoctrinated? that's difficult to find. But we can have people who do their best to keep their preconceptions locked up and come to the most honest conclusions they can.... and then let them reach a consensus.
Sort of like... science, no?
So, science has come up with zero evidence for any divine entity, thus far...
How much longer must we keep looking, until humanity gives up on this useless notion of an after-life?