(February 17, 2014 at 12:14 pm)Sword of Christ Wrote: I choose to believe in God based on evidences and convincing arguments put forward and I accept that I could be mistaken hence why it's a faith.
I must be about the hundredth person to ask you for the evidence and convincing arguments you find so compelling. As yet, I've seen no such thing from you.
Quote:No-one who is brainwashed or delusional could say this they wouldn't really know why they believe what they believe they will just "think it's true because it is"
So delusional people who believe in wild conspiracy theories don't think they have good reasons for believing as they do? "Brainwashed" people don't receive reasons -- however spurious -- to buttress their convictions? Bullshit.
Quote:which is what most atheists do when they demand burdens of proof.
We don't demand "burdens of proof," whatever the hell that means. Personally, I'd settle for one good shred of evidence. Two millenia of Christians' utter failure to provide it is telling.
Quote:That's your opinion but clearly your opinion is wrong if Jesus Christ and his message are at the heart of the Christian faith and Jesus is the same thing according to Christianity as the long prophesied Jewish Messiah from the Old Testament.
Of course, the Jews aren't any more persuaded by these claims than we are. Oh, right. They are a stiff-necked, rebellious people who traded God's favor for twenty centuries of abuse at the hands of Christians instead of accepting what is so obviously true.

Quote:The Old Testament is centred upon the Messiah so clearly Jesus from the Christian perspective is the heart of the Bible New Testament and Old Testament.
The "Old Testament" and all that phrase implies is a Christian imposition and represents one of the most shameless cultural thefts of all time. The Hebrew Bible, on the other hand, is centered on Torah which Gentile followers of the magical God/man Jesus conveniently ignore for the most part -- unless it can be used as a weapon against people Christians don't like, such as homosexuals.
Quote:You can pick out passages Christians have issues with from the beginning anyway all you like but I'm pointing out how you are factually wrong.
As far as I can tell, you've done no such thing. Empty claims are not evidence of anything except bankrupt positions.