Alex Quote:
“Neopaganism” or “Neo-Paganism” is a general term for a variety of movements both organized and (usually) nonorganized, started since 1960 c.e. or so (though they had literary roots going back to the mid-1800’s), as attempts to recreate, revive or continue what their founders thought were the best aspects of the Paleopagan ways of their ancestors (or predecessors), blended with modern humanistic, pluralist and inclusionary ideals, while consciously striving to eliminate as much as possible of the traditional Western monotheism, dualism, and puritanism.
As I stated before, "Neo". (AKA) "NEW"... Buddheo-Paganism, along with, "New"ly redefined forms of Hinduism are being classified "Today" under the Neo-Pagan movements....
P.S. Sorry it took so long to write back...Have been traveling a bit.....
Hinduism and Buddhism are in no way Neo-Pagan. Do you know what "neo" means? Are Hinduism and Buddhism "neo"? An example of Neo-Paganism would be Asatru (the worship of Norse deities), because it is a pagan religion that essentially died and there are some attempts at a revival, hence "neo".
“Neopaganism” or “Neo-Paganism” is a general term for a variety of movements both organized and (usually) nonorganized, started since 1960 c.e. or so (though they had literary roots going back to the mid-1800’s), as attempts to recreate, revive or continue what their founders thought were the best aspects of the Paleopagan ways of their ancestors (or predecessors), blended with modern humanistic, pluralist and inclusionary ideals, while consciously striving to eliminate as much as possible of the traditional Western monotheism, dualism, and puritanism.
As I stated before, "Neo". (AKA) "NEW"... Buddheo-Paganism, along with, "New"ly redefined forms of Hinduism are being classified "Today" under the Neo-Pagan movements....
P.S. Sorry it took so long to write back...Have been traveling a bit.....
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