(March 2, 2014 at 12:34 pm)xpastor Wrote: This is for the benefit of atheists who never went through a religious phase and have no idea of what goes on in a church.
The post is from The Clergy Project, a group to which I belong, made up of clergy, both former and active, who have abandoned all supernatural belief. I have edited the post very slightly to make sure that the author and his denomination cannot be identified.
Quote:I just got home from a church council meeting. We spent two hours discussing dysfunctional programs that attract no people and fixing up the building in which those programs don't happen for when those people who don't come show up. We budgeted money for such essentials as paint, rust removal, cleaning, postage (for invitations to those people who don't come to the programs that won't happen) and rodent removal (getting rid of the only lifeforms who seem to actually enjoy the church). We discussed outreach with a youth group that doesn't exist to a youth community that sees nothing relevant in the building that is so well maintained for people who don't show up for the programs that don't work. All of this for a non-existing god who is half-heartedly worshipped (but ardently prayed to when bills come due) with bad music from the turn of the century (the turn before this last one) and with empty platitudes and a lot of complaint and griping (which I am continuing here).I commented:
The whole thing seems like a giant Rube Goldberg machine. Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist who came up with designs for impossibly complex machines that did nothing constructive.
Quote:I almost split my sides laughing. But if I weren't 30+ years away from my little Lutheran congregation (average attendance 35) I would have been crying.
Why don't they just axe the programs, and sell the building?
Run it like a corporation! :p