Well, I think the historical evidence is clear, those great minds who actually sought to see god found truth, and scientific fact, and the petty bureaucrats and theologians who used the claims of those before them like warlords either co opted their views or tortured them as heretics.
The real question is why would god all powerful and all knowing father of all the universe, care if you actually believed in him or made jokes about him, unless your were a lying evil theological black magic warlord and he cared even slightly about us? If he was like a bad ass spartan father and didn't think we were wimps, he might even trip us or hit us to make us work out our minds harder. While this is all entertaining from the view of mythology, a more basic question emerges, will you fight for truth?
Are you a wimp and a liar or strong and truthful? Maybe that is more important that how much you relate to any deity.
The real question is why would god all powerful and all knowing father of all the universe, care if you actually believed in him or made jokes about him, unless your were a lying evil theological black magic warlord and he cared even slightly about us? If he was like a bad ass spartan father and didn't think we were wimps, he might even trip us or hit us to make us work out our minds harder. While this is all entertaining from the view of mythology, a more basic question emerges, will you fight for truth?
Are you a wimp and a liar or strong and truthful? Maybe that is more important that how much you relate to any deity.