CP the only thing I see that could be considered as stupid is you believing that you could possibly know the mind of an omniscient being. Before you get bent out of shape understand I'm not saying you are stupid I'm saying the thought is. Gods own words... Your ways are not My ways and My thoughts are not your thoughts for My ways and thoughts are far different than yours they are higher than yours, as the heavens are above the earth.
To destroy Satan at that time would have gone against God's will an the freewill God gave mankind. If God had destroyed Satan at that time it would have meant God was only interestd in having robotic worship. Instead He allows us to choose our own future and live our lives as we choose. Now how is it you can find fault in that.
To destroy Satan at that time would have gone against God's will an the freewill God gave mankind. If God had destroyed Satan at that time it would have meant God was only interestd in having robotic worship. Instead He allows us to choose our own future and live our lives as we choose. Now how is it you can find fault in that.
God loves those who believe and those who do not and the same goes for me, you have no choice in this matter. That puts the matter of total free will to rest.