You'll often hear apologists and religious people claim "that's not nothing", like it even matters. Most of the time atheists are not trying to show the universe came come from 'nothing', but that it can come into existence where a universe was not before. Does that mean there was nothing preceding it? No. I think they are just getting these ideas from their own religion (creation ex nihilo). Put people like Hawking do claim the universe came from nothing, but I don't think he's talking about the same thing. Sure, if there is no space and no time the laws of physics can form universes easily. But then again, nothing can be redefined by physics, like various other things have been redefined by physics in the past, and 'metaphysics' literally means after physics. So its perfectly fine to say the universe can come from nothing if we have an updated definition.
I'm fairly certain I once heard William Lane Craig say "something cannot come from nothing, because nothing has no properties, its a logical contradiction". Wait, you're assuming nothing should obey those laws of logic? That's not nothing! Nothing has no laws of logic!
I'm fairly certain I once heard William Lane Craig say "something cannot come from nothing, because nothing has no properties, its a logical contradiction". Wait, you're assuming nothing should obey those laws of logic? That's not nothing! Nothing has no laws of logic!