I realize now that I read "properly basic" as English words, and not as a philosophical term.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_belief makes me immediately congratulate myself for correctly identifying the process by which assumptions are transformed in the mind into facts upon which world views (and reflection back to those original assumptions) can be formed. Specifically, "In reformed epistemology, beliefs are held to be properly basic if they are reasonable and consistent with a sensible world view." I think whoever believes this is actively redefining both the words basic and proper.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_belief makes me immediately congratulate myself for correctly identifying the process by which assumptions are transformed in the mind into facts upon which world views (and reflection back to those original assumptions) can be formed. Specifically, "In reformed epistemology, beliefs are held to be properly basic if they are reasonable and consistent with a sensible world view." I think whoever believes this is actively redefining both the words basic and proper.