(July 1, 2014 at 12:05 pm)ronedee Wrote: You keep blaming God for things in OUR power to fix!
No atheist here does that if they don't believe in God. What, I think, we're all trying to point out to you is that, since you believe in God, why are you quick to blame mankind for suffering but not God?
Quote:Also, life in this world is an eye blink compared to eternity.
Obviously. Which is why I try to make the most out of the life I have now. Since after I die, I will very likely cease to exist for eternity.
Quote:Look at Jesus... Why was He able to do things others were not able to do?
What did he do exactly that others were not able to do?
Quote:Because of His Faith. He said: "It is not I, but my Father that works through me."
According to the Gospel of John. But I really doubt Jesus ever said that in reality.
Quote:And through it all, He still had to DIE!
So? We all have to die, whether we do "good" or "bad".
Quote:The great equalizer is death. No one escapes it. Does it really matter when, where or how or who? No. what matters is that "it will" happen. Whether its a straving baby, or a mother with cancer, or the guy who got run over by a speeding bus today! "Why did God make that bus speed?!!" Why restrict yourself to "babies dying"?! We're all fucked! Right? Or are babies for added emphasis?
Assuming God exists (I don't believe he does), then what's the point of death and suffering anyway?
Quote:So your death can be a doorway, or a hole in the ground. Jesus showed us the way out of our misery, and demise. But we get too caught up in our selfishness and anger.
Well, Jesus did not do that for me. And I'm not angry. Selfish ... probably.
Quote:He owes us NOTHING! Get that through your thick heads. NOTHING!
Ok, but I already accept that because I don't believe God exists.
Quote:We owe Him our lives. And one day we will have to account for that gift! I want others to account for the gift of life I received.
Again, assuming he exists, I don't owe him anything as far as I'm concerned. Why is it ok to believe he doesn't owe us but we owe him? For what anyway? A life of suffering? I didn't ask for that.
Quote:You want to ask Him why babies die? He will tell you He put YOU here to help them! That you watched and didn't lift a finger! And that all you did was complained rather than do something... anything to help them! But ultimately they are safe with Him now... or will be.
So that makes things better since they end up in heaven anyway? Why let them suffer in the first place? I can't understand how a supposedly loving father could let his infant children be unnecessarily harmed in any way by others. Why would an almighty being like God not do the same?
I'm not saying this out of rage against some god I don't believe in. I just want you to understand why this is nonsense what you're spouting.
Quote:We have it in our collective world power to wipe out hunger, diesease and sorrow in this world. But we as a human race would rather: fight, accumulate wealth, and blame others and God for our own ignorance!
You omitted natural disasters. And no, we don't really have what it takes to stop misery and pain and diseases. But if God exists, then he should be able to do so himself.