(August 1, 2014 at 8:21 pm)Minimalist Wrote:I hope that you're White. Or otherwise you're the one being a dickhead. Because I asked not to be bothered by non-Whites. You know. It's the flea thing I wrote about.. I usually spell catapult right. So sue me. I have run across people who have fallen victim to many cults through the years. One of these cult like beliefs is that we should all just get along. As you have apparently fallen victin to. But do you remember what I said about the animal kingdom? It doesn't happen there. And if you look at the news or know anything about history, you should know that it doesn't happen amongst humans either. Even in the bible. It might be interesting to hear your vies about what is so all fired wrong about Whites living seperately. But I'm not that interested. So don't bother. Also, look at all of the 'China towns" across the U.S. Nobody puts up much of a bitch about those.Quote:Take the illegal aliens flooding over our southern border. The U.S. should take the ones they catch and send them back over the border with a catipult!
You know, if you are going to be a racist dickhead you should at least learn how to spell catapult. It will make you look like slightly less of a dickhead....although not enough to matter.
Unfortunately, you're just a victim of the Jew media. (If you're White) The first "Talkie" done, "The Jazz Singer." Not only did it star a Jew, it even had a nice little scene in it of a Jewish service in a temple. Near the begginning of the movie industry, most if not all of the big studios, Clounbia, Warner Brothers, Selznick Studios, etc, were run by Jews. This has translated into TV. You were probably listening to Jewish anti-White propaganda through your mother's stomach wile you were still in the womb. Why do the Jews do this? Because fucking up "Whitey" helps their cause. Because there are only fourteen million Jews in the world. And what screws up the dominate race is just great for them. The reason Israel was created and the reason they decided to use Hebrew as a language is because they still want to cleve to the same old Jewish supremacist crap that they did in the old testament.
What does that mean here? If you are a Jewish actor going up against a White actor at a Jewish studio for an acting job, guess whose most likely to get the job. Or if not a White person, because they're less White, apparently an Italian will work just as well. The Jews are also well established in the banking industry. What does that mean? If you're going up against a Jew for a business loan, for example, but both of their reasons for a loan are equally valid, guess who is going to get the loan. What does this mean for White people? Slavery. Just as the Jews have always liked it. And just as they will always like it. It may be fine for you, but not for me. So if you have any other insults to fling my way, please don't bother.