I might agree about the dog point if the ingredients for dog food were produced specifically for dog food, but they're not. Instead dog food is made from human waste by-products. They're not using prime cuts of meat for dog food, they're using waste meat which is not fit for human consumption. The same can be said for the grains they use, and even all the ash they use to bulk up the food and maximise profits. It was all made from waste products.
The problem here isnt the dogs, without the dogs all the waste products would still exist, but the people the products were made for originally.
Human over-population is the main problem the environment faces imo, not dog over-population, and I honestly cant believe that anyone can be stupid or ignorant enough to think killing all the dogs will solve the problem in any way.
The problem here isnt the dogs, without the dogs all the waste products would still exist, but the people the products were made for originally.
Human over-population is the main problem the environment faces imo, not dog over-population, and I honestly cant believe that anyone can be stupid or ignorant enough to think killing all the dogs will solve the problem in any way.