To Rhythm
Let's try again...
First - the root of this thread is DOES CONSCIOUSNESS DETERMINE HUMAN LIFE? that's kinda the point of THIS F#@$G THREAD. Not necessary about abortion, though it obviously touches on it.
My point is including consciousness should NOT be a requirement.
Diminished capasity impiies capasity - uncsciousness in the medical sense (see I used my own definition to remain internally consistent) means NO CAPASITY, albeit transiently. So, if consciousness IS a requirement then by definition an appropriately anesthesized patient would "lose" their human life? (perhaps the word rights made is seem more legalese - but again context is SOOO important)
Regarding incompetency, there are many reasons for incompetency that have nothing to do with consiousness so not really sure how this applies, but again, my arguement was AGAINST using consiousness as a requisite for human life so I guess we agree?
Regarding abortion, well we can actually talk about that on the abortion thread huh? I never brought that up on this thread since that was not the F#@#$@G point of this thread.
Let's try again...
First - the root of this thread is DOES CONSCIOUSNESS DETERMINE HUMAN LIFE? that's kinda the point of THIS F#@$G THREAD. Not necessary about abortion, though it obviously touches on it.
My point is including consciousness should NOT be a requirement.
Diminished capasity impiies capasity - uncsciousness in the medical sense (see I used my own definition to remain internally consistent) means NO CAPASITY, albeit transiently. So, if consciousness IS a requirement then by definition an appropriately anesthesized patient would "lose" their human life? (perhaps the word rights made is seem more legalese - but again context is SOOO important)
Regarding incompetency, there are many reasons for incompetency that have nothing to do with consiousness so not really sure how this applies, but again, my arguement was AGAINST using consiousness as a requisite for human life so I guess we agree?
Regarding abortion, well we can actually talk about that on the abortion thread huh? I never brought that up on this thread since that was not the F#@#$@G point of this thread.