Ok, I'm going to attempt to respond to most of what has been asked, the best I can. Taking into consideration limits within language is probably a significant barrier to discussion about this topic, as trying to speak of "all" from the perspective of "me", possibly understanding "a bit", about the "all". I'm attempting because you asked about my 80% confidence level and I'm trying to give that to you honestly.
First, the idea of consciousness. The idea I proposed is that we have a personal experience tunnel of reality that each of us would probably define as our personal awareness (think little Joey on his scooter). But how does this happen, what is involved? People who know a bit about neurobiology would say neuronal process, but I have to say I have not been convinced (by anything I've researched) that the brain and CNS are more than a small piece of the overall system. In my mind, simply from a "biological" perspective, the consciousness involves a dynamic dance between the sense receptors, the CNS, endocrine system, immune system, cardiovascular system the cells within the body that have my DNA, as well as the cells that don't (they say those 'other' cells outnumber mine 10to1 by the way). Further, I see the dynamic dance including the genome and changes in gene expression which is also engaged in a dynamic dance with the vibrational frequencies of everything in my environment. Though these processes are not normally considered "conscious" activities (they are obviously mostly done "unconsciously"), they are representative of the operational processes that are required to keep the organism functioning with our level of conscious awareness (hence, being "alive"=having conscious personal awareness). I should add here, however, that through deep meditation people have been known to be able to take "conscious" control of many of these processes, but that's another thread I think.
Is the lighter conscious? In the sense that it has a personal awareness reality tunnel? I don't know (I honestly don't know for sure if you have one either), but I would speculate no (regarding the lighter). Is it still a part of the larger consciousness story (the first perspective as I discussed)? I would speculate yes. In the sense that it is one of the influential environmental feedback responses that results in adjustments to the dynamic dance of your personal awareness producing "biological systems", it is as intrinsically part of your personal awareness experience as your neurons or the bacteria in your gut. Additionally, I venture to guess that every action you engage in that influences your environment is also providing feedback responses that are shaping all else that is to be experienced within your reality tunnel by you or other personal awarenesses sharing it. Unique experiences are had, but, from this perspective, everything is just a small piece of a larger consciousnesses picture that I assume to be much bigger than the restrictive labels and boundaries that have been put on it with our current language.
With regard to the particular theories I referred to, I'm making no claim of absolute accuracy of any of them or claiming that they fit together like puzzle pieces to form the total of "the truth". I've been following these sciences, and the directions explored by the theorists, because they seem to be moving in a direction that is getting closer to, what I perceive to be, an integrated study of consciousness, and a more comprehensive explanation of reality. I personally think this is the direction for science to go at this point if we are going to advance beyond our current state of knowledge and get a better understanding of ourselves and our existence.
First, the idea of consciousness. The idea I proposed is that we have a personal experience tunnel of reality that each of us would probably define as our personal awareness (think little Joey on his scooter). But how does this happen, what is involved? People who know a bit about neurobiology would say neuronal process, but I have to say I have not been convinced (by anything I've researched) that the brain and CNS are more than a small piece of the overall system. In my mind, simply from a "biological" perspective, the consciousness involves a dynamic dance between the sense receptors, the CNS, endocrine system, immune system, cardiovascular system the cells within the body that have my DNA, as well as the cells that don't (they say those 'other' cells outnumber mine 10to1 by the way). Further, I see the dynamic dance including the genome and changes in gene expression which is also engaged in a dynamic dance with the vibrational frequencies of everything in my environment. Though these processes are not normally considered "conscious" activities (they are obviously mostly done "unconsciously"), they are representative of the operational processes that are required to keep the organism functioning with our level of conscious awareness (hence, being "alive"=having conscious personal awareness). I should add here, however, that through deep meditation people have been known to be able to take "conscious" control of many of these processes, but that's another thread I think.
Is the lighter conscious? In the sense that it has a personal awareness reality tunnel? I don't know (I honestly don't know for sure if you have one either), but I would speculate no (regarding the lighter). Is it still a part of the larger consciousness story (the first perspective as I discussed)? I would speculate yes. In the sense that it is one of the influential environmental feedback responses that results in adjustments to the dynamic dance of your personal awareness producing "biological systems", it is as intrinsically part of your personal awareness experience as your neurons or the bacteria in your gut. Additionally, I venture to guess that every action you engage in that influences your environment is also providing feedback responses that are shaping all else that is to be experienced within your reality tunnel by you or other personal awarenesses sharing it. Unique experiences are had, but, from this perspective, everything is just a small piece of a larger consciousnesses picture that I assume to be much bigger than the restrictive labels and boundaries that have been put on it with our current language.
With regard to the particular theories I referred to, I'm making no claim of absolute accuracy of any of them or claiming that they fit together like puzzle pieces to form the total of "the truth". I've been following these sciences, and the directions explored by the theorists, because they seem to be moving in a direction that is getting closer to, what I perceive to be, an integrated study of consciousness, and a more comprehensive explanation of reality. I personally think this is the direction for science to go at this point if we are going to advance beyond our current state of knowledge and get a better understanding of ourselves and our existence.