(September 16, 2014 at 12:42 pm)JesusHChrist Wrote: well, some of the faithful in the 80s thought Reagan was the anti-christ:
1. Associated with Hollywood - a known Den of Evil
2. Some numerology crap = 666
3. Bringing West and East Germany together
4. More crap I forget and don't care to google
Therefore, Reagan = Antichrist. Proof positive! Right in front of your eyes! Except, he wasn't.
Maybe Reagan was the precursor to blah, bling, blech and now Obamanation.
And you left out Reagan's wife Nancy consorting with an actual WITCH !! (Joan Quigley) and then Ronald himself allowing Joan to dictate his schedule.
Fucking unbelievable the Christers think Ronnie is a saint when he was literally (by the Christers own beliefs) an AGENT OF SATAN.