More exclamation marks might help make the point this is REALLY SERIOUS guys!!
It seems, gay marriage will bring about a severe judgment upon the US and perhaps bring about the Apocalypse! Yup, gay marriage is just that evil and bad and wicked and egregious and stuff. Very. Antichrist worthy.
Yay! A new government with a new economic system, just poof!, will fix it all! Get oil back up over $100/barrel, solve the Russian economic crisis, all in one swoop. Yachts for everyone and a rib eye on every plate! Suck it vegans!
But who will this Great Leader be? Maybe everyone's favorite shirtless, Russian fascist, Vladimir Putin? Perhaps the Dear Leader himself, Kim Jong un? He would get my vote! The current pope is just garden variety Catholic evil; nothing like his predecessor, so I'm saying nope.
Kind of close to back to school, but I suppose we can work with it. Never a good time for an apocalypse is there?
Since I'm pretty sure the gays are responsible for Global Warming, why not the End Tymes? And poor, poor "long-suffering" God! He puts up with so much crap from his creation. A God can only roll His eyes such much. He's just a itchin' to pull that End Tymes trigger and wallow in Bloodfest 2015. Blood up to a horses bridle! Yeah...that will be fun.
But perhaps our iniquity is not "full". Maybe once bestiality is finally legalized and I can marry Betsy, my sweet sheep, THEN, and only then will we experience the Full Wrath of GAWD! Finally a world where the men are good looking, the women are strong and the sheep are nervous. Bring it on Gawd with that sword in your mouth (is that a metaphor for something dirty?)!
It seems, gay marriage will bring about a severe judgment upon the US and perhaps bring about the Apocalypse! Yup, gay marriage is just that evil and bad and wicked and egregious and stuff. Very. Antichrist worthy.
Quote:After weeks or months of global chaos, when the nations are sufficiently broken and the peoples of the world desperate for a return to order, a hero will step upon the world stage to end the crisis. In the human context he will secretly represent the globalist elites who have planned and prepared for this opportunity to impose a new world order: a new global government with a new economic system.
Yay! A new government with a new economic system, just poof!, will fix it all! Get oil back up over $100/barrel, solve the Russian economic crisis, all in one swoop. Yachts for everyone and a rib eye on every plate! Suck it vegans!
But who will this Great Leader be? Maybe everyone's favorite shirtless, Russian fascist, Vladimir Putin? Perhaps the Dear Leader himself, Kim Jong un? He would get my vote! The current pope is just garden variety Catholic evil; nothing like his predecessor, so I'm saying nope.
Quote:In this speculative scenario of mine, the date on or around which this false messiah would emerge is Yom Kippur, September 23, 2015, the first day of the Jubilee — the day/year of liberation.
Kind of close to back to school, but I suppose we can work with it. Never a good time for an apocalypse is there?
Quote:I don’t think there is any question, Biblically, that the cultural celebration of “gay marriage” portends judgment from God. The only real question in my mind is whether it truly signals the imminent “beginning of sorrows” or is just another step in the path leading to God’s wrath at a later time. God is long-suffering, even to the most wicked of societies and He does not act until their iniquity is “full” (Genesis 15:16).
Since I'm pretty sure the gays are responsible for Global Warming, why not the End Tymes? And poor, poor "long-suffering" God! He puts up with so much crap from his creation. A God can only roll His eyes such much. He's just a itchin' to pull that End Tymes trigger and wallow in Bloodfest 2015. Blood up to a horses bridle! Yeah...that will be fun.
But perhaps our iniquity is not "full". Maybe once bestiality is finally legalized and I can marry Betsy, my sweet sheep, THEN, and only then will we experience the Full Wrath of GAWD! Finally a world where the men are good looking, the women are strong and the sheep are nervous. Bring it on Gawd with that sword in your mouth (is that a metaphor for something dirty?)!