Common terms for drunk: Pissed,pissed as a fart, pissed as a newt, legless,shitfaced ,(also means high on drugs) shickered ,(Yiddish) tired and emotional,well oiled.
Oh,it's not OK to call anyone a cunt.
Drunk: Mortalled,arseholed,3 sheets to the wind (??!!)
Cunt is a very bad word in England. Becoming much more commonly used now though.
Common terms for drunk: Pissed,pissed as a fart, pissed as a newt, legless,shitfaced ,(also means high on drugs) shickered ,(Yiddish) tired and emotional,well oiled.
Oh,it's not OK to call anyone a cunt.
Drunk: Mortalled,arseholed,3 sheets to the wind (??!!)
Cunt is a very bad word in England. Becoming much more commonly used now though.