Quote:Mans law is unfortunately impeding Gods law which is blasphemous because the US is God's favorite nation. This is his land and he has given it to the Christian people as a gift.
You wouldn't happen to belong to the Westboro Baptist Church, would you?
I can swallow you believing there is a "God"......It's been done for ions and will continue, just with a different dialogue as time goes on...
But what I can not grasp is your comment on how this land (U.S.) was given to the Christian people as a gift from God....You really are nutts.....
Or wait...or are you a Mormon in disguise as a Baptist preacher.......??? Did you find the Golden tablets in New York.......
Well at least you can say that you agree with the Mormons......
I've read both books...the King Jame and the Book of Mormon.......The only thing I can offer you is to read up on Odin, Horus, Mithra, Krishna, Greek Mythology, etc. You may be surprised...
Intelligence is the only true moral guide...