(October 13, 2014 at 11:38 am)RobbyPants Wrote: Belief in and submission to Allah puts Muslims before God.

Ah-la no.
Belief and submission before Allah allows one to enter jannah. There are seven levels of seperation between one who believes and submits and big al. Al is not a deity of the people. Matter of fact only the cream of the muslim crop (mo-ham and a few of his buddies) are the only ones who get an audience before big al.
Matter of fact there is only one verse in the whole Koran that even resembles big al's 'closesness to man.'
"We verily created man and We know what his soul whispereth to him, and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein."
Which to me sounds more like a threat, but hey I'll difer to context, before passing final judgement.
Either way, compare this to everything Christ said and did, was to bring man before God. To erase man's sin debt, to pouring out the Holy Spirit onto man so we may first hand experience God. No other religion claims this. Most of them do not understand it. Matter of fact in a few of my Muslim study groups the Muslims were taken back by this 'blaspheme.' (They were the one who supposedly knew what christianity was and were to deconvert missionaries.)
Quote:Following the five pillars of Islam legitimizes the Koran.
How do you reconcile this?

Wow, I hope your a better studied atheist than you are PRETENDING Muslim.
I reconcile 'this' by simply telling you that you are beyond wrong. The five pillars do not legitimize the Quran. The five pillars simply unite Islam by the agreement that these 5 statements were from the hadith of Gabriel. (Gabriel was thier version of the Holy Spirit.) What is a Hadith?
A Hadith, are the oral teachings/traditions of mo-ham. These are compiled in several highly disputed, very sensitive and several religion splitting collections that spawn off several different versions of the Koran also splintering the religion into its various sects. (That is why you can have a head chopping isis claim the same religion as the benign guy who runs your favorite convince store.)
Quote:The part where you believe you're talking to God and that he's telling you what you want to hear. How do you know you're not just having a dopamine rush from convincing yourself you're right? Or do you actually hear the Holy Spirit talk as opposed to experiencing a vague, happy feeling? Everyone who's always described the Holy Spirit always describes it as something vague and not really explainable.So... It is your medical opinion that dopamine and wishful thinking, can spawn a successful business, a couple US patents, a successful ministry, over coming a deadly disease, and answers to any God bible related question I or any of you can come up with? All without studying any of it formally?
As I am so frequently reminded my reading and grammar are sub par. The reason being is because I didn't learn how till my 20's. I have been saddled with a great number of 'learning disablities.' But I have also been bless with a great number of spiritual gifts to compensate. Why? So I may boast of my ignorance in the light of my many successes. None of which would be possiable without the direct help from the Holy Spirit.
In your experience maybe shooting a retard with dopamine produces prodigies on a regular basis. My experience is slightly different. Retard + dopamine= blissfully ignorant.
In short God gives us all access to the Holy Spirit. If we are faithful to what we are given, we will be given more. If we are not what we have will be taken from us and given to those who are faithful.
I put a whole effort into being faithful to what I have been given. That is why I am here.