I can talk about Job.
Job declared the thing he GREATLY feared had come upon him.
Notice the word God used in his conversation about Job- he IS in your hand.
The fear Job was in, put him out of faith and into the hand of the devil and the devil did not know it.
God did not say to the devil to kill his kids.
God did say- he is in your hand only spare his life.
The experience of Job illustrates why the devil is a fear monger.
It is everywhere, promoted by media, Hollywood and government and is the opposite of faith.
By the way, everyone has a faith of some kind.
Without that you would not get out of bed in the morning.
Job declared the thing he GREATLY feared had come upon him.
Notice the word God used in his conversation about Job- he IS in your hand.
The fear Job was in, put him out of faith and into the hand of the devil and the devil did not know it.
God did not say to the devil to kill his kids.
God did say- he is in your hand only spare his life.
The experience of Job illustrates why the devil is a fear monger.
It is everywhere, promoted by media, Hollywood and government and is the opposite of faith.
By the way, everyone has a faith of some kind.
Without that you would not get out of bed in the morning.